Birth Injury—a baby suffered permanent brain injury because of a delayed and inadequate response to vaginal bleeding and signs of distress on a fetal heart rate monitor. A delayed cesarean section revealed a near total placental abortion and a baby just barely alive. In 2005, the firm obtained a settlement for the child with a present value of $2,000,000.

Birth Injury—a baby suffered brain injury as a result of a delayed cesarean section. The mother and child were under the care of a certified nurse midwife and a general practitioner, who could not perform a cesarean section. These health care providers failed to recognize and respond appropriately to signs of distress on a fetal heart rate monitor. In 2002, the firm obtained a settlement with a present value of $1,200,000 for the child.

Hospital Negligence—a man survived cancer surgery and looked forward to an excellent chance of a full recovery. All that was lost, however, when nurses turned him over without protecting a fresh tracheotomy tube that allowed him to breathe. He was deprived of oxygen and suffered severe brain injury because of a delay in restoring his airway. After being in a coma for months, he died from his brain injury. In 2007, the firm obtained a settlement of $1.1 million for the family’s wrongful death claim.